NatsuishiBan'Ya Natsuishi was born in Japan, 1955. He studied at Tokyo University where he received a Masters of Arts in Comparative Literature and Culture in 1981. In 1992, he was appointed Professor at Meiji University where he continues to teach. From 1996 to 1998, Mr. Natsuishi was a guest research fellow at Paris 7th University. In 1998, he founded the international haiku quarterly "Ginyu" and became its Publisher and Editor-in-Chief. In Slovenia, 2000, Mr. Natsuishi co-founded the World Haiku Association and currently works as its Director. He attended many international haiku or poetry festivals held in Germany, France, USA, UK, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, New Zealand. In 1991, he won the Modern Haiku Association Prize. In 2002, he won the Hekigodô Kawahigashi Prize of the 21st Century Ehime Haiku Prize. Overseas publication other than countless Japanese publication include: A Future Waterfall?100 Haiku from the Japanese (Red Moon Press, USA, 1999 & 2004), Romanje po Zemlji (Druatvo Apokalipsa, Slovenia, 2000), and others. He edited "World Haiku 2005" & "World Haiku 2006", amongst others.