Hiroya Takagai was born in 1961,in Tokyo. Graduated from Kyoto University.
He has written poems since he was ten years old.
His main books are Mezzanine(1984),Deep Marsh(1986), Rush Mats(1987),
Spirit of Life (1994,REKITEI newcomer prize),
Regenerating Light (2001,GENDAISI HANATSUBAKI prize),
Description of Half-World (2004,EARTH prize).
In 1997 he was invited to take part in the Djerassi Foundation's poetry translation residency of San Francisco along with Jacques Roubaud. Deep Marsh was translated into English by Eric Selland?and his poems into Russian,Korea,Serbia, etc.
This year his poems was translated into Italian in the anthology "VERTIGINE" (Edizioni Empiria, ROMA).
Last year he started performances of singing songs with reading poems.